Best Cheer Fundraiser Ideas

4 min read

Cheers squads have a huge financial burden. These expenses are accrued because of their multiple activities which also demand that they look their best at all times.

Competitions have entrance fees and then depending on where they are held there are also travel expenses involved.

Cheering the team during game season entails traveling across the state and sometimes even nationally.

Learning new routines entails the added expense of coaching and attending camps that are expensive.

Looking at their best constantly means that cheerleaders need new uniforms, training gear, sneakers and accessories annually.

Crowd funding campaigns are something that many teams are resorting to lately. They can often help cover a part of the above expenses, but there are some cheer fundraiser ideas that are always certain to bring in the cash.

Best ideas for a cheer fundraiser include:

Fashion Show

These can be organized with a local clothing store or boutique that will also sponsor the event. The cheerleading squad, parents or coaches can make up the modeling team and the event can be organized at an events venue or restaurant. The event can raise money in various ways:

  • Entrance fee
  • Profits from refreshment sales
  • Vouchers with discounts to the store. The team gets a percentage of the profit from all sales that are generated from the event.

Cushions for stadium seats

Uncomfortable metal seats at stadiums demand that spectators have their own cushion. The design of a suitable, personalized and branded cushion from a local manufacturer is a wonderful idea that will catch on among the team’s supporters. The cushions can be in the team colors and the manufacturer can brand them as a marketing campaign for him, while people can pay extra to have their name printed on.

  • The team sells these, at a mark up, and keeps the profits.

Pancake Fundraiser

Everyone’s favorite breakfast, pancakes, make a great fundraising idea and can be held at the school canteen. It is hard work and it entails preparing ahead so that there are enough ingredients, syrup and other toppings to meet the demand. This is the type of event where the orders always far exceed expectations.

Gift Baskets

 This can be an ongoing event where baskets packed with popular goods and branded team and cheer squad paraphernalia are sold at certain times of the year (religious holidays, Halloween, etc). These can be offered for sale during games and competitions.

  • The team will need to find a wholesaler that can provide the baskets and goodies at a good price, giving the fundraising effort a higher profit margin.


These were extremely popular few decades back and are making a come-back. Cheer squads are definitely fit enough to dance for hours and the event can be hosted at a local gym or at school with sponsors pledging an amount per hour of dancing.

  • Spectators can be charged an entrance fee to the event.
  • Additional donations and sponsorships may be made on the spot.


Cheerleaders can offer to tutor younger children or classmates that need help in certain subjects for a fee. This can be an ongoing event through the school year or as finals approach.

  • There can be a nominal fee or donations can be requested in exchange.

Barbecue event

Barbecues are supported by whole families and are a great way for bonding among team members, their families and other members of the school and community. These can be held in the summer months and even during the holidays, when everyone is more relaxed.  Parents, especially Dads, love to show off their barbecue talents and share their marinade recipe ideas. This is one fundraiser where there is guaranteed to be a lot of good food around.

  • Plates of barbecue can be sold individually.
  • Sponsorship or partnership can be arranged with a local BBQ place.
  • An entrance fee can be charged at a ‘bring and barbecue’ event where everyone brings and sets up their own area and a competition can be held for the best set-up, neatest area or tastiest offerings.

These are just a few of the best cheer fundraiser ideas that can help any cheer squad meet their expenses. The idea is to create a team effort that will be decisive, profitable and bonding, just like every cheerleading occasion is.

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