Education has changed a lot, Either you change or perish

3 min read

Education has drastically revolutionized in this 21st century to cope up with the changes that are happening around us. This focuses more on the skills that are required to survive and get succeed in today’s world. This new world has made lots of information available around us, so, education focuses to help children make use of this available information and grow. It also helps them to deal with all sorts of unpredictability and change. With the change in education, there is a visible change in the teaching methods to where we can see more preference is given to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Therefore to survive in this modern world of education a concept called STEAM education has been introduced.

What is STEAM education?

STEAM education is the next phase of STEM education. STEAM stands for Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts and Management. This helps to enhance the critical thinking skill and cognitive ability of the children. This is a much-required thing to sustain in this 21st century. Times are changing and with those new things are coming in starting from robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and many more. Who knew 10 years back that there will be a revolutionary change in the field of education to sustain?

So let’s see what all things have been implemented in STEAM which makes it different than STEM education.


As STEAM is introduced now STEM is not the primary force to drive K12 education. It was mainly changed to introduce the arts stream for students. Arts provide more fun and creativity while learning than any other streams of education. This helps students to check out new avenues available from this course which includes innovation, data, and problem solving, and also linking many fields to one. It also includes unified studies in classes for the students. 

To thrive in today’s world of work STEAM plays a major role. It increases the depth of imagination and thinking skills. They are bound to think out of the box ideas or solutions to stay ahead of their peers. Due to increased competition, everyone wants to survive and achieve success.

STEM and STEAM both are important. They cover an array of subjects in various fields which includes lots of subtopics. Therefore a lot of thought is required to go ahead with these kinds of studies whether it is taught by teachers or parents. Unless there is enough thought it will become tough to get success through it.

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