Effective Ways Of Engaging Students In Learning Through Technology

3 min read

In order for students to learn, they need to be engaged in learning inside the classroom. Many educators these days use technology to make that happen. Teaching with technology can help deepen the students’ learning using supporting instructional objectives such as wireless presentation solutions. However, it can be a challenge to find the right tools to use. If this is what you are looking for, then this article can find a solution for you!

Teaching With Technology: What Does It Mean?

‘Technology’ simply means the advancements of methods and tools that educators can use to achieve a goal inside and outside the classroom. While inside the classroom, technology can include different tools like the use of presentation software, online collaborations, high-tech tablets, and more. 

Introducing, Vivi’s Classroom Engagement Solution

An Australian entrepreneur named Dr. Lior Rauchberger was requested to provide a wireless presentation solution for one of his clients way back in 2013. The criteria are for it to be compatible with any devices and platforms. He started his research but he did not find much. What he found were clunky, unreliable, and too expensive for an average school or university. This is when he knew that he had to do something about it. So he partnered with a Simon Holland, a startup specialist, and Papercloud Ventures’ Tomas Spacek, to make Vivi. Their goal was to create the worlds’ best wireless presentation solution. 

Vivi’s: How Can It Help?

Using the latest technologies will allow educators to try physical and virtual classrooms – access that was not possible in the past. Vivi’s Classroom Engagement Solution combines classroom management tools and real-time student feedback to create a learning environment that can improve productivity. Here are some of the examples of how Vivi’s can help with your teaching strategies:

  • Wide Screen Mirroring and Video Performance. With Vivi’s Classroom management tools, it can transform the classroom into a collaborative and interactive learning space for students. It can also increase engagement and productivity. Vivi will make it simple and easy to switch the control between the students and the teacher for a free-flowing and efficient environment.
  • Formative Assessment. Vivi offers a student feedback tool to provide schools with a way to extract feedback in real-time. This is to help with the formative assessment as well as to monitor the health and the overall wellbeing of the students. The tool can provide a safe and discreet way fro the students to communicate using different emojis that are tailored to the requirements of the school. 
  • Touchscreen Support. This is the most requested feature for more effective teaching inside the classroom. Vivi supports the touch displays and projectors that are HID-compliant. So no matter where you are in the classroom, you would be able to control a computer as long as it is connected to Vivi. 

Finding a solution to keep the students’ attention inside the classroom can be a challenge. Good thing there is Vivi’s Classroom Engagement Solution. It is not only proven to be efficient but also student-centered in all aspects. 

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