How To Prepare Effectively For Chhattisgarh Board Exam

4 min read

Exams, be it at the entrance level, university level or even at the school level, can be one of the major causes of stress. The Chhattisgarh Board exams, considered to be the most important exam for high school level students. Students must score good marks in their board exam if they want to take admission in top schools after passing the board exam. While preparing for the board exam students should remember that regular practice will help reduce exam stress and increase chances to grab more than 90 percent marks in upcoming exams.

The Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (abbreviated as CGBSE) is the education board in the state of Chhattisgarh. The main role of the CGBSE Board is to conduct the class 10 and 12 exams for all the schools affiliated to the Chhattisgarh board across the state. CG Board is a state agency of the Government of Chhattisgarh in India responsible for promotion and development of secondary education in Chhattisgarh.

Here, in this article, we have explained a few tips and tricks to help students to make effective and organized preparations for the Class 10 Chhattisgarh Board exams.

Tips to Prepare for Chhattisgarh Board Exam

1. Time Management

Time Management is one of the important thing while preparing for exams. Make up a timetable to give adequate time to each subject. This will help you in ease out your preparations with minimized pressure. Proper time management will help students to distribute equal importance to all the subjects. Scoring good marks in all subjects is crucial to get good percentile in board exam.

2. Knowledge of the Curriculum

Students should have complete knowledge of their syllabus before they start their exam preparation. It will help them to plan their studies accordingly. Knowing the syllabus will help them to know what are the topics and concepts they are going to study in that particular academic year and also weightage of all subjects. While preparing students should keep in mind that they should start from the topics that carry the most marks and get a strong hold on these topics.

3. Essential Study Materials

Before they begin their exam preparation students should make sure that have all the essential study material related to the subject. They should not refer multiple books and should stick to their respective Chhattisgarh board textbooks. Textbooks are the basic preparation material for students and reference books are helpful to clear difficult concepts and topics. 

4. Practice, Practice and Practice

Students should make a habit of practising questions from the syllabus regularly. It will help them to clear all the concepts in their head. They should thoroughly practice the questions provided at the end of each chapter along with practising questions from reference books. Regular practice will help the students to be perfect and avoid repeating silly mistakes.

5. Solve Previous Year Papers and Sample Papers

Once students are done revising the entire syllabus of all the subjects, now they should try their hand on solving the sample papers and previous year papers. By doing so, they can get an idea of the question paper pattern, weightage of marks, important questions, etc. Students are advised to solve as many as sample papers and previous years papers just before the exam. There are chances that some questions might be repeated in the Chhattisgarh Board exam. 

By following the above-mentioned tips students can score outstanding marks in their board exam. Students should make sure that they are completely thorough with their 

Chhattisgarh Board Textbooks so that they can write any type of tricky questions asked in the exam. So, keep up your hard work and score good marks in exam.

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