Planning Your Summer Activities with the Kids

3 min read

June is coming and kids will be looking forward to some summer activities. Unfortunately, things may not go back to normal soon and social distancing will still be observed. Cross-country traveling may be out of the picture for now.

Summer camps will be open but there will be a different set of protocols and protection guidelines. You’ll have to decide, though, if sending your children to summer camps this year would be a wise thing to do.

That doesn’t mean the kids will have to be cooped up inside with their toys. Here are some ideas to make summer fun and creative for both you and the kids:

Turn Your Backyard into the Great Outdoors

Hey, your backyard is still the outdoors, and if you have a pretty big one then there is so much you can do with it. There are so many ways you can make your yard buzzing with activities this summer. Some of them could be:

A mini-sports camp – What sports do your kids like to play? Take them away from their gaming consoles and set up a tennis court or a basketball camp. Or add a goal for some games of soccer. Sports is a good way to mix play and exercise.

Have an art fest – Unleash their creativity by holding an art fest where they can draw, paint, and do whatever artsy things they want to build. How about making it a full summer project by asking them to paint a mural on your fence wall?

Weekend backyard camping – You may not be able to visit your favorite camping spot this year, but who says you can’t do it anyway? Bring out your tents and set them up outside during the weekend. Prepare some nibblers and build a campfire to grill your smores and have storytime.

Before sleeping, you can all just lie back and watch the sky for some stargazing.

Enroll them in Music Lessons

Yes, we know what you’re thinking. It could be risky to send your kids out to attend a music lesson. But know that there are music and voice lessons you can find online. Especially during these times, the teachers and vocal coaches are making themselves available online for scheduled sessions.

So, the kids don’t really have to sacrifice an entire summer and continue honing their playing or singing skills.

Let them Help with the Chores

It’s easy to entice them to help you out with household chores as long as you make it fun and creative. For example, ask them to water the plants using their water guns. Or get some colorfulfoams and enjoin them in washing the car.

Throwing in some prices or creating a points system would make things interesting. Helping with some chores in the house may seem like play to them for now, but you are also instilling some independence and life skills into them.

Summer doesn’t have to be boring for kids who can’t freely go out under the current situation. You can also ask your kids for some ideas on how the family can do things together and enjoy the season.

Meta title: Fun, Summer Activities for Families with Kids

Meta description: What summer activities can you do with your kids that will ensure social distancing and, therefore, keep them away from health risks? Read on to find some great ideas.

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