Ways to Protect Your Social Security Number

4 min read

As soon as getting your Social Security number, identity thieves get the easiest way to do the most damage such as stealing your money and government privileges. They receive medical service and other related services in your name but you won’t know about these. Then, you may proceed to make a new one but it is arduous and often fruitless in the last. Thus many people of the US victimized by identity thieves. So, it is best to secure those nine digits of your SSN card. Before your SSN card being lost or stolen, you should make an SSN file with PSD formate for rough use.

Offer an Alternative Form of ID

Sometimes a company or organization asks for the Social Security Number as your identity validation. You don’t need to give your SSN, you can offer your driving license number instead. Also, you make other options of Identity include passport number, your college or university Student ID Card’s number, and current and last address as proof.

Ask For Privacy Policy

If your alternative identity is not acceptable to the company then, you should ask some questions to know why your alternative will be not allowed and how your SSN will be protected if you provide. You also ask questions same as:

  • How will the SSN be preserved?
  • Will I get any privacy policy?
  • With whom will you share my number?
  • Will you recover my number if it is stolen or compromised?

Although the decision is not possible and often futile, you should try to ask the questions for your safety.

Leave Your SSN Card at Home

It is not suitable for you that you take your card around with you when you go out. Give up the habit of carrying the card in your purse as well as should not enter it into your smartphone or other devices. Actually, the card would rarely need for you, you should capture only the number with you instead.


Don’t Use the number as a Password

It is extremely prohibited to use your SSN as a password for your electronic purposes. You must ignore this thinking. It is easy to decrypt and watch your password with the main form as well as can be stolen easily by an identity thief.


Avoid Sending Your SSN via an Electronic Device

Don’t type your SSN into an email or message to inform someone. It has a chance to intercept and read the email or messages in transmission. Also, never leave a voicemail along with your SSN. It is best to give your SSN personally or using a phone call can be better than emails or messages.


Monitor Bank and Credit Card Accounts

You should close all the tabs on your bank as well as the credit card account. By doing these, you can be sure one-third of all that you are safe from being stolen your number. Many banks inform all updates via message or call alerts and thus someone can try to know and steal your SSN.


Use an Identity Protection Service

There are many services give identity protection through paying fees. They can offer you identity insurance and strong protection. As a result, you’ll be safe in case your card number is stolen. They can recover your card number and terminate access to the thief’s use.


Protect Your Child’s SSN

Don’t indifference to your children’s SSN, while you are protecting your number. You should also monitor their card number. Otherwise, you may face a problem, then you have to take action to recover the number which is not easy at all.


Report Quickly

If you realize that your SSN card has already lost or stolen by identity thieves, you should report quickly to authorities to take action against it. You can contact the Federal Trade Commission or at identitytheft.gov for your stolen SSN card. Besides, you have a chance to file a police report to recover your SSN card.

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