Getting Qualified to Work in Tourism

3 min read

Do you want a career in tourism? Not quite sure how to take the first steps? Don’t worry help is at hand. As you will know, tourism is a massive industry in Thailand and there are hundreds of thousands of people either directly or indirectly employed within the sector and the projected growth of tourism in the future is significant. But the tourism industry is worldwide, and you could possibly work in any number of countries around the world. In order to give yourself the best pick of the jobs available both in Thailand and around the world you should study for an international bachelor’s degree in tourism (เรียน ต่อ ป ตรี อินเตอร์ การท่องเที่ยว in Thai). Attaining this coveted qualification will open up a world of opportunity for travel and hopefully all expenses paid trips!  Just think of the places you could go and the difference you could make to people’s tourism experience! There are several areas in which you could work upon completion of your studies including but certainly not limited to:

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  • Hotel Management – Depending your language skills you could literally work in any hotel in the world, using your skills to promote the hotel and eventually even end up managing it!
  • Cruise Manager – Truly a dream job, sailing the oceans of the world ensuring guests have an experience to remember.
  • Tour Guide – From leading groups of tourists across the ancient wonders of Angkor Wat to coordinating a tour around London, the sky is the limit!
  • Travel Consultant – Recommending and designing tourist itineraries for destinations across the world


We have just touched the careers you could have by attaining an international bachelor’s degree in tourism, there are many more opportunities that are too numerous to list!   


Where Do I Start?


Studying for a tourism degree overseas is a great way to assimilate yourself into the English-speaking world of business and also gives you an opportunity to meet likeminded people who have similar career goals. If you are based in Thailand, there a number of international accredited colleges that can help you prepare for study overseas. Many of these colleges have international lecturers who can not only help you prepare for your study course but also provide valuable insights about your host country. You can search online for these highly regarded preparatory courses but be sure to select one with the necessary experience and track record of success.  


Enjoy Yourself but Stay Focused


Going overseas to study is without doubt, an incredibly exciting experience and one that should not be wasted. Although you may feel a little homesick at first, you will soon come to enjoy your host country providing you take advantage of all the university can offer. Meeting likeminded people will help as you can support each other as you strive towards your common goal. If you have concerns either before travel or during your first days in a new country, there are people you can talk to. Above all, keep on reminding yourself how far you have come and set your graduation as a life goal.


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